Ottorino Bruni  

Nuget TextCase library for .NET version 1.0.8

TextCase version 1.0.8

TextCase is a powerful .NET library designed to simplify text manipulation by providing a variety of case conversion methods.

Key Features

  • Wide Range of Conversions: Transform text into 17 different cases including UpperCase, LowerCase, TitleCase, CamelCase, PascalCase, and more.
  • Text Analysis: Easily count characters, words, letters, and sentences within your text.
  • Easy Integration: Simple and intuitive API that integrates seamlessly with your .NET applications.

I’m happy to release a small update to my TextCase package:

  • .NET 8 support
  • Add Constant Case
  • Add Cobol Case
  • Add Inverse Case
  • Add Train Case

Nuget TextCase library for .NET

Available Conversions

  • UpperCase: Converts text to uppercase.
  • LowerCase: Converts text to lowercase.
  • TitleCase: Capitalizes the first letter of each word.
  • CamelCase: Converts text to camelCase.
  • PascalCase: Converts text to PascalCase.
  • KebabCase: Converts text to kebab-case.
  • SnackCase: Converts text to snack_case.
  • HashTagCase: Converts text to #HashTagCase.
  • ConstantCase: Converts text to CONSTANT_CASE.
  • CobolCase: Converts text to COBOL-CASE.
  • InverseCase: Alternates case starting with lowercase.
  • TrainCase: Converts text to Train-Case.
  • CapitaliseCase: Capitalizes the first letter of the text.
  • CapitaliseWordsCase: Capitalizes the first letter of each word.
  • ReverseCase: Reverses the text.
  • AlternateCase: Alternates case starting with uppercase.

It’s possible to count in the text:

  • number of characters
  • number of words
  • number of letters
  • number of sentences

These are some examples how to use the library:

TextCase.Convert("You talking to me?", Case.UpperCase);
"You talking to me?".ToUpperCase();

// you talking to me?
TextCase.Convert("You talking to me?", Case.LowerCase);
"You talking to me?".ToLowerCase();

// You Talking To Me?
TextCase.Convert("You talking to me?", Case.TitleCase);
"You talking to me?".ToTitleCase();

// You talking to me?
TextCase.Convert("You talking to me?", Case.CapitaliseCase); 
"You talking to me?".ToCapitaliseCase();

// You Talking To Me?
TextCase.Convert("You talking to me?", Case.CapitaliseWordsCase); 
"You talking to me?".ToCapitaliseWordsCase();

// ?em ot gniklat uoY
TextCase.Convert("You talking to me?", Case.ReverseCase); 
"You talking to me?".ToReverseCase();

// YoU TaLkInG To mE?
TextCase.Convert("You talking to me?", Case.AlternateCase); 
"You talking to me?".ToAlternateCase();

// youTalkingToMe?
TextCase.Convert("You talking to me?", Case.CamelCase); 
"You talking to me?".ToCamelCase();

// YouTalkingToMe?
TextCase.Convert("You talking to me?", Case.PascalCase); 
"You talking to me?".ToPascalCase();

// you-talking-to-me?
TextCase.Convert("You talking to me?", Case.KebabCase); 
"You talking to me?".ToKebabCase();

// you_talking_to_me?
TextCase.Convert("You talking to me?", Case.SnackCase); 
"You talking to me?".ToSnackCase();

// #You #talking #to #me?
TextCase.Convert("You talking to me?", Case.HashTagCase); 
"You talking to me?".ToHashTagCase();

TextCase.Convert("You talking to me?", Case.ConstantCase); 
"You talking to me?".ToConstantCase();

TextCase.Convert("You talking to me?", Case.CobolCase); 
"You talking to me?".ToCobolCase();

// yOu TaLkInG tO mE?
TextCase.Convert("You talking to me?", Case.InverseCase); 
"You talking to me?".ToInverseCase();

// You-Talking-To-Me
TextCase.Convert("You talking to me?", Case.TrainCase); 
"You talking to me?".ToTrainCase();

// Text Count
TextCase.GetTextCount("You talking to me?"); 
"You talking to me?".GetTextCount();

// Words Count
TextCase.GetWordsCount("You talking to me?");
"You talking to me?".GetWordsCount();

// Letters Count
TextCase.GetLettersCount("You talking to me?");
"You talking to me?".GetLettersCount();

// Sentences Count
TextCase.GetSentencesCount("You talking to me?");
"You talking to me?".GetSentencesCount();

How to get TextCase from Nuget ?

<code>PM› Install-Package TextCase</code>


Do you want to help me to improve this projet? Please feel free to send in a Pull Request, or drop me an email.


If you think your friends/network would find this useful, please share it with them. I’d really appreciate it.

Thanks for reading! ????

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